Recently, a claim surfaced on social media asserting that the price of Bombay Sweets’ potato chips had been raised for the first time in 30 years, increasing from 10 BDT to 15 BDT. The claim was circulated under statements like, "Finally, the price of 10 BDT potato chips from 30 years ago has been increased to 15 BDT."
Fact Check
The Rumor Scanner team has found that the claim regarding a price hike for Bombay Sweets Potato Crackers is incorrect. Instead, the investigation revealed that, along with the 10-taka packets, a larger-sized packet of the same chips is available in the market for 15 taka. The claim of a price increase is based on this new larger-sized 15-taka packet, which is being misinterpreted as a rise from 10 to 15 taka.
An investigation revealed that a large-sized packet of Bombay chips priced at 15 BDT was introduced to the market in 2022. At that time, confusion arose over the matter, with claims that the price of Bombay Potato Crackers had increased. Subsequently, Rumor Scanner published a fact-check report on the claim.
Recently, a similar claim regarding the price of Potato Crackers has resurfaced. Rumor Scanner’s investigation revealed that the price has neither increased nor decreased compared to 2022. A detailed search uncovered several recent posts mentioning the prices of two different packet sizes. Moreover, evidence from the official website of the supermarket chain Shwapno confirmed that the price of the 25-gram packet remains fixed at 15 BDT, disproving any claims of price fluctuations.
Bombay Sweets' Potato Crackers chips, previously packaged in a 17-gram packet, are now being sold as a 15-gram packet at the same price of 10 taka. In 2022, the company also introduced a new 25-gram packet of the same chips, priced at 15 taka. This indicates that the same chips are being marketed in different-sized packets at varying price points.