Fact-checking: A pressing necessity in Bangladesh
This trend is deeply concerning. However, many media outlets still strive to maintain objectivity and publish news only after thorough verification.

Why fact-checking is essential
Another research by a team of Paris-based researchers concluded similarly while assessing the efficacy of fact-checking

From rumors to real-world consequences: The perils of misinformation
These cases underscore the dangers of unverified information circulating on social media, demonstrating how quickly misinformation can lead to real-world consequences. What’s scary is that both incidents are just the tip of the iceberg. In reality, the number and severity of misinformation is much worse.

Separating fact from fiction
In today’s world with a plethora of media there is no single standard or set of regulations which can bind the purveyors of news to adhere to.

Just the facts
A nationwide study of the fact-checking skills of thousands of American high school students was recently conducted by Sam Wineburg, a research psychologist at Stanford's Graduate School of Education.