Indian news outlet Republic Bangla recently published a report claiming that all Indian satellite TV channels have been blocked in Bangladesh. Following the report, the claim quickly spread across social media platforms in Bangladesh, leading many users to share posts assuming the information to be true. However, this claim is baseless. No Bangladeshi media outlet has reported such an incident, and the interim government has not made any decision regarding this matter. Indian satellite TV channels continue to broadcast as usual in Bangladesh. Thus, the claim is entirely “false”.
The interim government does have the authority to suspend satellite TV channels, but if such an action were taken, an official notice would have been issued. Following standard procedures, such a significant decision would also have been covered by Bangladeshi media. However, neither the government nor the media has provided any confirmation of this claim.
After Republic Bangla's report, Bangladeshi media outlets conducted their own fact-checking. Bangla Tribune reached out to the Cable Operators Association of Bangladesh (COAB) for clarification. COAB’s General Secretary, Syed Mosharraf Ali Chanchal, dismissed the claim as "propaganda" and stated, “There has been no directive from the government. All channels are operational.”Additionally, Md. Mamun-or-Rashid, Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, remarked, “No such decision has been made by the ministry. If there were, I would have been informed.”
It is worth noting that Republic Bangla has previously faced criticism for a controversial report on Chattogram. On November 10, 2024, legal action was initiated against Republic Bangla for spreading misinformation about Bangladesh, with demands to block and ban their news content within the country.
In conclusion, the claim that Indian satellite channels have been blocked in Bangladesh is entirely “false”. The dissemination of this unfounded information by Republic Bangla has been labeled as misleading propaganda.